Therapeutic Massage
Excellent for increasing circulation and relieving tired, aching muscles. This gentle yet relaxing massage uses light to moderate pressure.
Relaxation/Stress Reduction – Creates balance in body systems, release pinched nerves. Releases physical, emotional and spiritual trauma. Interrupts headache and migraine patterns.
The use of heat or cold to alleviate pain and to promote decreased healing time.
Focus on specific areas and needs. This technique is excellent for athletes, pre and post events, and those who work out regularly. Aids active people in preventing injury and assisting in the recovery of muscles.
Matrix Repatterning
Matrix Repatterning is a new way of understanding, assessing and treating the body – literally at the molecular level. It is a revolutionary new therapy developed by Dr. George Roth in Newmarket, ON and has be successfully treating patients for over 30 years. Matrix Repatterning can restore optimum function and alleviate many painful, limiting conditions and other health problems associated with structural imbalance in the Tensegrity Matrix of the body.
Treatment | Length | Price |
Massage Therapy | 45 Minutes | $75.00 |
Massage Therapy | 60 Minutes | $90.00 |
Massage Therapy | 90 Minutes | $140.00 |
Treatment | Length of Time | Price |
Matrix Repatterning Pain Relief | 60 Minutes | $100.00 |
Matrix Repatterning Pain Relief | 90 Minutes | $150.00 |
** Taxes included on all prices